If you've been posting here for quite some time now, you would know that the URL for the BEERKADA Forum is http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=29146
Now that's quite too long to memorize right? Especially if we want to invite our friends and other Beerkada fans to join us here.
Then came http://www.beerkada.net/forum.html . It's a shorter url but we weren't able to fix the way the URL has been redirected..
Now, as part of our ever-changing/improving forums, we're pleased to inform everyone that you can now access the Beerkada Forum in this very easy to remember URL: http://beerkada.activeboard.com. Neat-o right? Go ahead and try it. :) Now you can easily add a link to the beerkada forums from your blogs, sites, emails, etc. And you can easily recite it from the top of your head.
So start recruiting more members here. ;)
Add'l forum update. You probably noticed the news link at the upper left corner. Whenever we have important announcements, we'll notify you all through here. ;)
cool...i'll invite my friends din to join the forums, and of course to start reading beerkada
Pre-Duty-From-Pre-Duty-From...The days of the week are out of my vocabulary...I don't know what day today is, but i sure damn know my duty status...Welcome to clerkship...Sigh...
If you are a member of any social networking sites like del.icio.us or digg or stumbleupon or mag.nolia.com.. please do bookmark the beerkada website and beerkada forums.. if you have your own sites/blogs.. please add beerkada links too. :)
limited na lang time ko... si pilandok na pala ang beerkadet of the month. maybe you can make use of his avatar, then post links (from the site na rin) to his bkada contrib, after all yun ang nasa description. just a suggestion.
antagal bago ko mapuntahan ang forum. down pa rin kasi ang website, and then di ko naman ma-access ang i.ph accounts ng mga kadets para sa link. i had to google for the Sparklit activeboard directory.
voila! Beerkada is #5 in the Most Popular forums..... right after Guy Candy- Exotic Male Dancer's Message Board.
it is a common failing to miss the truth of the jest that is spoken in truth