Just to give the paramedical people in the forums something to do, post your medical inquiries here. Sa dami ng mga gifted forumites someone's bound to give a logical answer to your questions.
Call a doctor or go to a specialist but first,you have to be sure that you have a medical insurance to cover up the expenses.There are hospitals and clinics that asks for your insurance first before being admitted.
Ferita non colpisce piu profondo di amore che e girato odiare.
first aid for fractures, make sure that you don't move the injured part..pwede na yung taliin ng hanky, pero better if may mahanap ka na something hard to support the injury, then dun mo sya itali...
Pre-Duty-From-Pre-Duty-From...The days of the week are out of my vocabulary...I don't know what day today is, but i sure damn know my duty status...Welcome to clerkship...Sigh...
first aid for fractures, make sure that you don't move the injured part..pwede na yung taliin ng hanky, pero better if may mahanap ka na something hard to support the injury, then dun mo sya itali...
I agree. The only difficulty here is if the bodily harm done is on you, so you have to make do with your wits and one good hand. Remember thogh this precious dictum of "primun non nocere" -- first do no harm. If you have absolutely no idea, better backof and ask for help instead.
'Yun ang naging problema ko noon, panyo lang ang pang-splint ko that time. The ironic thing is that hindi ko nalamang fracture na siya until Day 3. At least ngayon OK na siya pero self-therapy na lang ginagawa ko (can't afford hospital rates). XD
aw...walang masama kung magtatanong. the doc has a point kung di mo lam ang ginagawa mo, huwag kang magmarunong. seek help from people who are experts in that field. ang risk lang kung mag self medicate ka eh, if ever hindi maalign ng maayus yung buto mo (kung may fracture nga) it might cause deformity (obviously) and mas masakit un. a splint is good for first aid, then go to the orthopedic for much better results.. :D
I'll be the first to admit that I don't know or have all the answers. It could be one of several reasons including but not limited to: electrolyte imbalance (particularly calcium), muscle fatigue or climate changes.
sublime: saang hospital ka? my mom works at medical city gen hosp (non-medical dept).. wala lang.. :D nice to have a doctor (and several nurses) here sa forum who we can ask these questions :)
@lei: I'm actually based in Pampanga... I have a lot of friends at Med City... wla rin lang... just glad to be of help, btw kahit di med or nursing basta alam nyo sagot or you have something reasonable to share, just post away.
how about sa heart...nasa lahi namin ang high blood and sakit sa puso and candidate for that....sometimes yung heart ko bigla na lang sasakit me parang kinurot...ano kaya problem?
and about sa singaw ano mabilis na remedy
@gxmania10: for an individual in your age bracket, with a family history of hypertension and heart disease, chest pains could be anything from a case of gastro esophafeal reflux ("heartburn"), costochondritis (inflammed cartilages) all of which can mimic or cause angina or chest pains that some people mistake for a heart attack. I'm sorry if I could't give you a definite answer, because each patient is unique and I have to see you to be able to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. I do suggest however a visit to your family physician to have yourself checked just to be sure.
as for stamatitis or "singaw" you could try any one of the following over the counter meds: Orofar-L gargle, pyralvex or Rowagel. Apply over the affected area 3-4 times a dayfor about 3 days.
galing no, we have doctors & nurses here. tapos si Fraggle naman, saksakan ng dami ng sakit/ walking pharmacy. (kidding, Targ!)
--> hahaha. pero seriously marami na kong na-acquire na sakit esp nung bata ako. hepa a, amoebaiasis, primary complex, beke, german measles, yung latest ko bulutong! we have a history of diabetes, heart problems, prostate. oh, did i say may marfan syndrome ako? =)
me hyperventilation syndrome din ako
--> baka anxiety attack yan. it happened to me before.
-- Edited by Fraggle Rock at 07:55, 2008-07-08
Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it. - horace
i mistook it for hyperventilation din. seems that im just soo angry at that time, i cant breathe properly and my arms and legs are getting cramps. my temple is thumping!
@doc: what should i do with migraine? i usually sleep when it attacks, pero i cant always do that now cant i?
CHOMPY: typo error ka. it should be Si Frag, sakit sa ulo. Hehe.
When should we go to the doctor? Personally, I don't like popping pills for just about anything. Like tootache, ayoko daanin sa painkillers. I just let it be. Ayoko kasing maging dependent sa gamot. Case of mind-over-matter and/or my body naturally getting over it. Kung frequent to the point na nakaka-apekto na sa activities ko ang pain, that's when I go see a doctor. Is that bad? But I do have regular physical exams.
And, for the med people here: what're your thoughts regarding alternative medicines. Let's start with the herbal kind. There's the raw plant, and there's the commonly increasing processed herbal products (as in essence of ganito ganyan). If you're familiar with a certain plant's properties, would you recommend it to a patient or diretson capsule/tablet na agad ang i-reseta niyo? In a provincial health center kasi, a certain doctor considers her patients' financial stat pagdating sa pagbigay ng gamot. May times na ganun ang ginawa niya. But, in the first place (though I'm not generalizing), elderly people in the province prefer herbal stuff. What about for city folks?
it is a common failing to miss the truth of the jest that is spoken in truth
Sorry for the hiatus, I was on call at the hospital and had to go on extended tourof duty.
@Fraggle Rock: thanks for the save. Stomatitis nga po yun. My bad. It's these kinds of mistakes lead to medical entries like "chronic alcoholic lover cirrhosis" -- a disease only bryan strada would likely get -- when we actually meant to place "chronic alcoholic liver cirrhosis". Personally, I also prefer Orofar-L over Pyralvex.
Well, an anxiety attack can cause hyperventilation syndrome and what happens is we blow of too much CO2 causing respiratory acidosis. A quick home remedy would be to have the person inhale into a paper bag, sort of the same principle with SCUBA divers using rebreathers. If the symptoms stillpersists, a visit to the doctor is warranted
polskie: diagnosed case of migraine na ba? it could also be tension headache kasi. there are meds available, but I have to se you personally to tailor them to your specific needs.
@najanaja: obviously, you know your body more than anyone else. I must agree, not every ache and pain warrants a visit to the doctor's office but if ever you're in doubt, or something doesn't feel right, I suggest a visist to a doctor you trust. Personally I tell them it's better that I saw them and tell them it's nothing rather than them thinking it's nothing and only coming in when it's really bad. I've seen patients who come to me and tell me "isang linggo pa lang naman po and lagnat nya e" only to have the patient convulsing at the ER. regular PE are good.
Some disambiguity muna, "Alternative Medicine" in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Section staff of the National Library of Medicine classifies alternative medicine under the term complementary therapies. This is defined as therapeutic practices which are not currently considered an integral part of conventional allopathic medical practice. They may lack biomedical explanations but as they become better researched some, such as physical therapy, diet, and acupuncture, become widely accepted whereas others, such as humors or radium therapy, quietly fade away, yet are important historical footnotes. Therapies are termed as Complementary when used in addition to conventional treatments and as Alternative when used instead of conventional treatment.
Alternative therapies include, but are not limited to the following disciplines: folk medicine, herbal medicine, diet fads, homeopathy, faith healing, new age healing, chiropractic, acupuncture, naturopathy, massage, and music therapy.
Personally, I have nothing against these treatment modalities. having grown up in the province myself. I am in fact a doctor from the barrio. I must admit, I still give the conventional medicines, but at the same time I don't inhibit my patients from using commonly accepted herbal medications. The only problem right now is that the DOH has only accredited 10 medicinal plants for safety and efficacy while thousands more remain untapped. You can check out some of the alternative medicine practices in the country here.
For city folks and rural dwellers alike, I still give them the benefit of choice. give them a list of remedies to choose from, give them the pros and cons of each treatment modality and work with the patient in achieving their treatment goals.
galing no, we have doctors & nurses here. tapos si Fraggle naman, saksakan ng dami ng sakit/ walking pharmacy. (kidding, Targ!)
--> hahaha. pero seriously marami na kong na-acquire na sakit esp nung bata ako. hepa a, amoebaiasis, primary complex, beke, german measles, yung latest ko bulutong! we have a history of diabetes, heart problems, prostate. oh, did i say may marfan syndrome ako? =)
me hyperventilation syndrome din ako
--> baka anxiety attack yan. it happened to me before.
-- Edited by Fraggle Rock at 07:55, 2008-07-08
i think frag needs a mini ambulance